North Liberty
All classrooms, playground doors, and front entrance doors are controlled by secured access. All visitors must enter through the vestibule and page the office to be let in. Parents and authorized pick up persons will receive a code for the front door to enter the school and to check children in or out of the school.
The school is equipped with an automated sprinkler system that is monitored by a private agency that reports to the North Liberty Fire Department. Students practice monthly fire and tornado drills and review safety procedures using designated exit routes posted in their classroom. The school also has a concrete tornado shelter built within the school for added safety. The shelter consists of concrete walls and ceiling for added protection.
The entrance leads directly to the office where visitor check in with the supervisor. All exterior doors that are not contained in our fenced yard are locked at all times. The fenced yards ensures the children’s safety while outside.
The school is equipped with smoke and heat detectors and fire extinguishers are positioned throughout the building. Students practice monthly fire and tornado drills and review safety procedure using designated exit routes posted in their classroom. The school has a full basement that is used as a tornado shelter.