Asbury Facility

Frog Hollow is a private school located at 5005 Asbury Road in Asbury. The school has three classrooms on the main level and four classrooms in the lower level. The classrooms are arranged so all children have easy access to developmentally appropriate activities and materials. The school is equipped with age appropriate furniture and materials, child size restrooms, and multiple sinks to facilitate easy clean up and to minimize spreading germs.

Our cook provides meal service to each classroom where we serve family style meals. We have a large outdoor play area that is fully enclosed by a fence and is easily accessible to preschool and school age classes. We also have an infant and toddler playground that is directly outside the nursery classroom to allow easy access. All visitors must enter through the main door which is located next to the office. Parents designate authorized pick up persons who are allowed to pick up their child.

Check out our video tour of Asbury Facility!